I'm Eric Budd — I live in Boulder because its values are my values: community centered, progressive, environmentally sustainable, innovative, adventurous and fun! As part of Boulder's next generation of leadership, I bring new energy to serve the community and carry our values forward.




  • Learning new things
  • Reading quality long-form journalism
  • Being an uncle, brother and son
  • Biking for fun (besides for transportation)
  • Hiking alone or with friends
  • Hanging out in coffee shops, bumping into friends and meeting new people
  • Theater, the arts and creative ventures
  • Growing my network of connections to great people in Boulder and beyond with community structures both online and in our neighborhoods

My Story

I grew up as the oldest of three kids in my hometown of Saint Louis, Missouri. My parents, a doctor and a nurse, taught me to work hard, show kindness, and value learning and curiosity. I still remember the mobile home in town where we lived while my father did his residency. Later we moved to a house in a suburban neighborhood where I played baseball, soccer and roller hockey. By the time I was in middle school, we had moved to a bigger house beyond the city limits. Activities with friends meant a long car ride and I felt increasingly isolated. My computer at home gave me access to a whole community online where I built friendships based on exchanging ideas and improving our world. That’s why I love living close to Boulder’s vibrant center, where I can always find a great conversation in a coffee shop, at a community gathering or on an active trail.

I came to Colorado in 2007 to work as a project and product manager at Seagate Technology. I lived in Longmont, but soon knew I wanted to be a part of the Boulder community. In 2010, I found a small apartment on Broadway that I could afford to rent, and later buy. Some of my friends teased me about my modest little place, but I was more than willing to sacrifice a big house full of things, and even a car, for the opportunity to live in a strong community, reduce my environmental footprint and participate in the sharing economy. At 35 years old, I have seen many of my generational peers forgo or greatly delay starting families. With Boulder’s high housing prices, many have made the hard choice to purchase homes and start families elsewhere. But Boulder is my community, and I plan to stay here by making efficient, low-cost, healthy, and creative choices that that match my lifestyle with my values.

An economist by education, I gain insights about people through understanding markets, constraints, and relative-choice decisions. Being data driven means I am not driven by fear, anger or a preconceived agenda. I respond to problems with dispassionate evaluation, and then passionately promote solutions that are supported by data. I am open, transparent, and inclusive. I work hard to help inform and engage people who aren’t in the standard circles of local politics and bring them into the conversation about policy decisions that impact their lives. I’m always looking for new and creative ways to meet and connect with more people in the community, getting involved in new groups, putting myself out there and listening.

Over the last seven years I have become more and more involved in our community. I have helped kids learn engineering, analyzed B-cycle bike sharing system usage, delivered an Ignite Boulder talk, completed the 2015 Ironman Boulder, served on committees for Community Cycles and Better Boulder, worked with the Boulder Community Housing Association, and I currently chair the City of Boulder Landmarks Board. I’ve lived in Boulder just long enough to become part of the culture and people, but still bring the benefit of an outside perspective. Now I’d like to bring that perspective to serve Boulder at the next level as a member of Boulder City Council.

